Connected industry: Outdated systems a threat to cyber security

Connected Industry: Outdated systems a threat to cybersecurity

The cyber landscape is undergoing major changes as machines and industrial processes become increasingly connected. This development has increased the risk of cyberattacks targeting businesses and critical societal infrastructure. Fredrik Sandberg, Channel Director at TXOne, points out that it's high time to recognize the need for better security for machines, engines, and robots.

In operational technology, or Operational Technology (OT), it's about ensuring the physical security of machines and systems used in industry and infrastructure. Here, Fredrik Sandberg, believes that OT security differs significantly from IT security, where IT focuses on protecting information while OT is about protecting the machines themselves and their functions.

"While the IT world is constantly updated and renewed, the situation is different in OT. From factories and industrial processes not being connected at all, they have now undergone digitization, and a major challenge in this is that many systems still use outdated technologies and obsolete operating systems. This means that digitization makes them more vulnerable to cyberattacks."

Can paralyze the entire production
He explains that an attack on an OT system can have serious consequences, both economically and physically. Since OT systems often handle business-critical functions such as manufacturing or transport and logistics, an attack can paralyze the entire production and lead to significant economic losses. "In areas such as water supply, electricity production, and healthcare, the consequences quickly become even more serious, so it's crucial that these sectors are immune to cyberattacks to ensure the functioning of society."

In a turbulent world, the threat to OT systems is growing, and the future therefore requires an even greater focus on cybersecurity. Several studies show that the number of attacks on OT systems is increasing and becoming more advanced, spreading to different types of organizations. At the same time, new EU directives are being introduced that will impose higher cybersecurity requirements for companies in both the private and public sectors. "The need for specialized security solutions has therefore increased significantly. By specializing only in OT security, we at TXOne have become a leading player in the market," says Fredrik.

Focuses on pure OT security
TXOne's specialization allows them to speak the same language as the machines, providing a higher level of security than what IT security can offer. Fredrik believes this means they don't compete with the extensive range of existing IT security solutions, but instead complement with their focus on pure OT security.

"Our security solutions are tailored for OT environments and applications in a way that traditional IT security cannot match today. We understand our customers' specific challenges and work to protect their OT environments from cyber threats and prevent interruptions and serious attacks. By offering customized products and services, we integrate cybersecurity naturally into our customers' operations, so they can continue no matter what happens," he concludes.

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Victor Christophe

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